Iowa Legislation 2025

91st General Assembly, 2nd Session (2025-2026)

Passed by both Chambers

  • HF 181open containers of beverages containing tetrahydrocannabinol (public safety)

Approved by Senate Committee

Approved by Senate Subcommittee

Approved by House Committee

Approved by House Subcommittee

Introduced in House

  • HF 609adds psilocybin and peyote to the religious freedom restoration act (judiciary)
    HF 351removes psilocybin and psilocyn from the list of controlled substances (public safety)
    HF 78possession of small amounts of marijuana (public safety)
    HF 72possession of small amounts of marijuana (public safety)
    HF 8consumable hemp cannabidiol (education)

House File 620 excludes people who obey the law and promotes crime.  A medical psilocybin act, just like a medical cannabis act, qualifies for federal registration under 21 U.S.C. § 822(d) because both are consistent with “public health and safety”.  Failure to notify the federal government that both Chapter 124F and Chapter 124E are consistent with “public health and safety” and qualify for federal registration makes no sense at all and needlessly exposes Iowans to federal jeopardy.

On page 5, line 21:
124F.3  Notice to prospective and current public employees.

Prior to giving a current employee an assignment or duty that arises from or directly relates to an obligation under this chapter, or hiring a prospective employee whose assignments or duties would include an assignment or duty that arises from or directly relates to an obligation under this chapter, a state employer or a political subdivision employer shall give the employee or prospective employee a written notice that the employee’s or prospective employee’s job duties may require the employee or prospective employee to engage in conduct which is in violation of the criminal laws of the United States.

On page 13, lines 3-16:
Sec. 11.  NEW SECTION.
124F.10(2)  Psilocybin production establishment agent – registration..

None of the following individuals ... licensed under chapter 152 ... chapter 152E ... chapter 148 ... chapter 148C.

On page 19, lines 6-9:
Sec. 17.  NEW SECTION.
124F.16(4)  Psilocybin production establishment – local control.

A local government shall not do any of the following: a. Revoke from, or refuse to issue a license or permit to, a psilocybin production establishment on the sole basis that the applicant or psilocybin production establishment violates federal law regarding the legal status of psilocybin.

On page 27, lines 13-19:
Sec. 26.  NEW SECTION.
124F.25(1)  Standard of care – provider not liable – no private right of action.

A qualified medical psilocybin provider or a qualified therapy provider who recommends or administers psilocybin in compliance with this chapter shall not be subject to a civil or criminal penalty, or license discipline, solely for violating a federal law or regulation that prohibits recommending, prescribing, possessing, or dispensing psilocybin or a psilocybin product.

On page 28, lines 13-15:
Sec. 27.  NEW SECTION.
124F.26(2)(b)(1)  Nondiscrimination for medical care or government employment.

The employee’s use of psilocybin jeopardizes federal funding, ...

Judges: Oath of Office:

All judges of courts of record shall qualify before taking office following appointment by taking and subscribing an oath to the effect that they will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and that, without fear, favor, affection, or hope of reward, they will, to the best of their knowledge and ability, administer justice according to the law, equally to the rich and the poor.

Iowa Code § 63.6 Judges.
Legislators: Oath of Office:

I do solemnly swear, or affirm, (as the case may be,) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of senator, (or representative, as the case may be,) according to the best of my ability.

Iowa Constitution, Article III, Section 32
Governor: Oath of Office:

The governor and lieutenant governor shall each qualify within ten days after the result of the election shall be declared by the general assembly, by taking an oath in its presence, in joint convention assembled, administered by a judge of the supreme court, to the effect that each will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and will faithfully and impartially, and to the best of the officer’s knowledge and ability, discharge the duties incumbent upon the officer as governor, or lieutenant governor, of this state.

Iowa Code § 63.5 Governor and lieutenant governor.
Other Officers: Oath of Office:

All other civil officers, elected by the people or appointed to any civil office, unless otherwise provided, shall take and subscribe an oath substantially as follows:
I, ........................, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and that I will faithfully and impartially, to the best of my ability, discharge all the duties of the office of .................... (naming it) in (naming the township, city, county, district, or state, as the case may be), as now or hereafter required by law.

Iowa Code § 63.10 Other Officers.