Craker v. DEA, 21-1055 (1st Cir.)

COURT: Opinion (08/09/2022)
CRAKER: Reply Brief (11/04/2021)
DEA: Brief (10/01/2021)
CRAKER: Brief (07/16/2021)
CRAKER: Appendix (07/15/2021)
DEA: Final Rule (12/18/2020)

Shane Pennington: Suing the DEA to Unlock Cannabis Research

For decades, cannabis research in the U.S. was hindered by steep federal requirements, foot-dragging enforcement agencies, and an archaic rule limiting the source of research-grade cannabis to just one cultivator in Mississippi. But thanks to a lawsuit against the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) by Dr. Sue Sisley MD, a doctor who spent years trying to get federal approval for her study that sought to investigate the therapeutic effects of cannabis for veterans with PTSD, the path for real cannabis research has never been more clear.

Shane Pennington was the attorney who worked pro bono with Dr. Sisley to see that lawsuit to fruition. In this podcast interview, our host TG Branfalt returns to discuss those developments with Shane as well as other significant rulings. Shane also discusses his background before joining the cannabis cause, his current work with Vicente Sederberg LLP, his advice for lawyers or law students who are interested in cannabis, and more.

You can listen to the full interview via the player below, or keep scrolling down to find a full transcript.

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Ganjapreneur ยท Shane Pennington: Suing the DEA to Unlock Cannabis Research